Acupuncture in West Bridgford, Nottingham

Acupuncture can help a broad range of conditions to benefit your physical, mental or emotional wellbeing. 

About Michelle

My name is Michelle Jahina, a fully qualified acupuncturist and Facial Enhancement acupuncturist (Lic.Ac. FEA MSc BSc (HONS)), working from a quiet, relaxing clinic in West Bridgford, Nottingham. I have a special focus / interest in Fertility, Obstetrics and Gynaecology to provide much more detailed support to both men and women in this area. I am a qualified baby massage practitioner.

I studied at The Acupuncture Academy in Leamington Spa for their Professional Licentiate in Acupuncture.

I am a member of the British Acupuncture Council and adhere to the Council’s Codes of Safe Practice and Professional conduct. British Acupuncture Council members are also registered with the Professional Standards Authority which is a government body set up to regulate health and social care providers and is accountable to Parliament.

My clinic is licensed by Nottingham County Council, and I hold full medical malpractice and public liability insurance cover.

Covid-19 – I adhere to robust hygiene and infection control protocols in line with Public Health England. This includes screening all patients prior to attending.  As a healthcare professional I have received all of my vaccinations.

To book an appointment, click on the link, or please email me at

I would highly recommend Michelle. I have seen other Acupuncturists before and they have nothing like the knowledge she does. She is so very helpful and offers great advice and guidance. I would never use anyone else again.

What is acupuncture?

Acupuncture is a system of healing in Chinese Medicine that has been practiced for over 2,500 years 

According to Traditional Chinese Medicine, good health is dependent on Qi or vital energy moving through the body along lines called meridians.  An indication that Qi is out of balance or blocked is shown by symptoms of pain, illness or other physical and emotional signs. 

Acupuncture is a holistic therapy that focuses on the whole person, aiming to stimulate the body’s own ability to heal and therefore restore balance physically and mentally.   

Acupuncture involves inserting fine needles into the skin at specific points on the meridians and at specific depths.  The use of needles on the meridians is to connect with the body’s Qi and direct the flow of energy to trigger the body’s own healing response.

To book an appointment, click on the link, or please email me at

Understanding more about Traditional Acupuncture

Acupuncture West Bridgford Nottingham

What is Five Element (5E) Acupuncture?

Acupuncture West Bridgford Nottingham

Five element acupuncture is designed around these above 5 elements:  Fire (Red), Earth (Yellow), Metal (Grey), Water (Blue) and Wood (Green) 

Acupuncture West Bridgford Nottingham

“Five element acupuncture treats the whole person not the condition”

With Traditional Five Element Acupuncture the underlying principle of treatment is that illness, pain and disease occur when the body’s Qi, (vital energy) cannot flow freely.

Treatment is designed to affect your whole system, so as the underlying imbalance improves, the original condition improves, other health problems may resolve with an increased overall feeling of wellbeing.

Traditional Five Element Acupuncture treatment is an ancient practice treating the Body, Mind and Spirit to restore a person’s health and wellbeing. Each individual’s treatment will vary; this is the beauty of Five Element Acupuncture as we all respond differently to situations in life.

Highly recommend Michelle! I have been seeing her to help with anxiety and I feel so much better after each session and in-between them. She’s very knowledgeable and makes me feel relaxed and at ease. Thank you Michelle x

Services Offered

In addition to Five Element acupuncture, I also practice and offer the following Chinese medical techniques:

Auricular Acupuncture
Auricular acupuncture is a commonly practiced technique involving the stimulation of specific points on the ear, it is a similar technique to reflexology. Ear acupuncture is known for the reductions of anxiety, depression, insomnia, substance abuse, and sleep issues.

I may use ear auricular acupuncture as part of a treatment, or I may use little small seeds on your ears with a plaster at the end of your treatment to stimulate the points after the treatment.

This is an ancient treatment which is used in many parts of the world to help pull Qi and Blood into the specific area to stimulate the flow. Cupping is thought to soften tight muscles and lift connective tissue bringing back hydration and blood flow into the tissue. The aim of cupping is to relieve muscle tension and pain, restore tissue balance and improve blood circulation to an affected area.

I practise dry cupping and the cups maybe left in place or moved around the area being treated.

Cupping is used to support and help a number of conditions from lower back pain, neck and shoulder pain, headaches and migraines.

Gua Sha
Gua Sha is a therapy which involves the scraping of your skin with a tool on the skin to stimulate circulation and increase blood flow. Gua Sha is mainly used for colds when they get trapped and affect our immune system. Pressure using the tool will be predominantly applied to the neck, upper back and shoulders to move the cold and support muscle tension. The amount of pressure will be directed by you to ensure you are in control of the treatment.

Tui Na
This is a form of hands-on Chinese medicine which shares its history and medical theory with acupuncture. It is a deep tissue massage where I may knead, brush, roll, press or rub key areas around the body. Tui na stimulates the flow of the body’s vital energy system, moving any blockages which may have developed within the channels. It is commonly used to help treat chronic pain particularly associated with the musculoskeletal system in particular the neck, shoulders and back.

Fertility Treatments

Twelve Week Female Fertility Acupuncture

This treatment package has been created for both men and women who are either scheduled to undergo IVF, IUI or want to optimise their chances of natural conception.  It is used to prepare the mind and body for the upcoming procedure, or to rebuild general health in between an unsuccessful procedure and the next cycle. 

This package includes 12 acupuncture sessions and a detailed initial consultation. Ideally treatment should start 3-4 months prior to undergoing IVF, IUI to allow the body to be at its full potential and optimum prior to the procedure. 

I will aim, during the first consultation, to determine the nature of the disharmony by taking a detailed medical history by looking at the tongue, taking the pulses, and reviewing your consultant’s notes, all of which is used to make a diagnosis with which to treat you and your partner. The discussion will not only cover acupuncture but your lifestyle and nutrition. 

Patients who begin this process are encouraged to ask their partner (if applicable) to attend the initial consultation with them, so they are supported both at home and by the practitioner during treatment. 

if successful the Acupuncture pregnancy treatment package may be appropriate depending on your individual needs. 

Twelve Week Male Fertility Acupuncture

This straightforward programme is designed for men who have been diagnosed with a suboptimal sperm test and includes 12 acupuncture treatments and a detailed initial consultation. 

It takes up to three months (72 days) for sperm to develop and mature, and treatment is for at least this long, if not double but 12 weeks is the minimum time I recommend.

Acupuncture, nutrition, and lifestyle treatment for male infertility is relatively straight forward. However, visits to the clinic need to be weekly or more often for acupuncture. 
I ask that patients bring with them their sperm test results done within a few weeks of the consultation.  I will use these results to form part of the TCM diagnosis, and tailor the treatment according to whether the sperm count, motility or morphology are affected. 

If you don’t have 72 days to prepare before your next IVF/IUI schedule, then 2-3 Acupuncture sessions before you give a sample is a beneficial alternative. My view is that the sperm still need to be in the best possible health (along with yourself) to improve your chances of success.

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Acupuncture is sometimes used in the early stages of pregnancy if there are any signs that the women’s body is weakening and a miscarriage threatens, or where there has been a history of miscarriages. I have designed a Pregnancy Acupuncture Package below to give support from early pregnancy till week 12. 

Pregnancy Acupuncture

This package of 10 acupuncture sessions has been designed to follow on from my male and female fertility packages or for patients who have conceived naturally to support them from conception to their 12th week in pregnancy. 

Weekly acupuncture sessions are typically used in the early stages of pregnancy where conditions such as morning sickness, anxiety, sciatica, and pelvic pain can occur, as well as problems with sleep and digestion. 

At the later stages of pregnancy additional acupuncture sessions can be used if the babies’ growth is not optimal, and even later again acupuncture may be sought if the baby is long overdue. 

Acupuncture is an ideal drug-free treatments for pregnancy, childbirth, and post-partum. Used by a skilled practitioner it is safe and has no harmful effects for mother or baby.

During pregnancy, some women will choose to live with the discomfort of minor complaints such as morning sickness or heartburn, rather than seek treatment because they are concerned about the possible side effects of orthodox medicines on their unborn child. My therapeutic approach can be used safely and effectively alongside orthodox care.

Conventional and Chinese therapeutic approaches are very effective together and offered to women during pregnancy and post-partum.

Acupuncture is extensively used in pregnancy management to treat back pain, nausea, vomiting, headaches, migraine, constipation and dental pain. Other antenatal ailments, which can be successfully treated with Acupuncture, include hyper emesis, sciatica, varicose veins, haemorrhoids, constipation, heartburn, carpal tunnel syndrome, oedema, abdominal pain, skin problems, anxiety and breech presentation.


Women are often afraid of the threat of surgical induction. At least 3 to 4 Acupuncture sessions of 1 hour are necessary to obtain effective results, although sometimes, just one session can be enough. This treatment maximises the stimulatory effects on the uterus and uses points to create a descending motion. Acupressure can also be applied whilst at home for self-care to stimulate labour.


In traditional Chinese Medicine, childbirth is a very important stage in a woman’s life, and it is thought that a woman’s vital energy can be improved after having a baby. Acupuncture and nutritional support can be a great help in re-balancing your health after birth.

Postnatal conditions successfully treated with Acupuncture include lack of breast milk/problems with milk flow, haemorrhoids, perineal pain, stasis of urine/inability to micturate, backache, breast engorgement, mastitis, anaemia, post-natal depression, back pain, shoulder pain, constipation, pain and flatulence following caesarean section, prolapse, insufficient lactation, tiredness.

Acupuncture is usually very effective at replenishing the bodies’ energy after birth. Alternatively, cranial osteopathy, Reflexology and post-partum MOT may be used to help re-balance a woman’s health after the birth.

Baby Massage

Bonding is an intense attachment you develop for your baby.  It is a feeling that makes you want to shower them with love and affection.  However, it is not always an instant process.  One in five mothers will find bonding with their baby difficult.  One in ten mothers are likely to suffer from postnatal depression within a year of their child’s birth.   

Baby massage is a great way for parents and baby to bond, show their love and care for the baby through touch.  80% of a baby’s communication is through touch. 

A study published in 2000 by the Committee on Integrating the Science of Early Childhood Development, identified how crucial the attachment bond is to a child’s development.  This form of communication affects the way your child develops mentally, physically, intellectually, emotionally and socially.    

Baby massage helps the baby feel secure and valued whilst encouraging positive interaction between parents and baby.  Baby massage offers an opportunity for the parents to be taught how to respond to the baby’s cues in a relaxing, non-judgemental environment.  Massage stimulates the release of the body’s natural feel-good chemical, oxytocin.  When oxytocin floods the body, it helps mother and baby to form a close bond.

Benefits to baby massage:

  • Builds confidence in handling the baby:  Handling a new baby can cause new parents a great deal of apprehension.  The fear of hurting, dropping, doing something wrong can be overwhelming.  Baby massage is a method where parents gain confidence in handling their baby
  • Sleep deeper and longer:  Baby massage regularly helps to get the circadian rhythm on track meaning the baby will sleep more at night and be more active during the day
  • Relieves pain from colic and constipation:  Baby massage is believed to decrease the pain caused by colic.  Massaging the tummy area relaxes the abdomen, allowing any gas build up to move up and out.  Constipation in babies can start a vicious cycle of colicky pain, holding back passing a stool and not eating.  Massaging the baby’s tummy and moving their legs will make the stomach muscles move and in turn place pressure on the intestines.  
  • Improves circulation: Massage stimulates the flow of blood and lymph vessels, thus enhancing circulation.  Improved circulation enhances the delivery of oxygen and nutrients to muscle cells.  
  • Improves weight and aids digestion: Massage improves the tone of the large and small intestine, stimulates the digestive organs and manipulates the soft tissues and aids absorption of fat.  It also stimulates bowel movements and maintain healthy bowel regularity.   
  • Eases teething:  Baby massage is an effective tool for calming a baby with teething.  By massaging the baby’s toes and joints of the toes, you stimulate the energy meridians that directly connect to the mouth and teeth. 

Baby massage is an exceptionally wonderful bonding tool for parents and children with special needs.  It is a wonderful way to strengthen the communication between parents and their children.  Baby massage can help with hearing impairment, visual impairment, cerebral palsy, development delay, hypersensitivity, or autism.  Baby massage can also help if your baby has had surgery or suffered trauma.  For more information on how baby massage can help a baby with special needs, please contact me for a free consultation and discussion.    

Baby Massage Appointments & Prices

Baby massage can be offered online or face to face at clinic.  The session will provide a wide range of massage & stroke techniques for your baby to enhance bonding & attachment.  Baby massage is known for it benefits to aid sleep, digestion, colicky symptoms, and brain development.   After each session you will be informed what oils to use, and a massage sheet to take away with you to continue at home.  Treatment is 30 minutes.   (Please email me if you would like this to be online)

Facial Enhancement Acupuncture (FEA)

Facial Enhancement Acupuncture (FEA), also known as cosmetic acupuncture or facial rejuvenation acupuncture was established in 2004 and is now practised worldwide.  

If you have ever thought of having injections, implants or invasive cosmetic surgery then this offers an excellent alternative with a more natural approach. FEA is a non-surgical, anti-aging protocol with a course of 10 weekly treatments and then bi-monthly maintenance you will notice the difference to the lifting of your face and skin revitalisation.

How it works?
FEA stimulates blood flow and Qi energy in the facial and neck areas encouraging the production of collagen and elastin to boost skin cell rejuvenation.  The treatment will concentrate on points and muscles of the face to improve the elasticity of your skin and general appearance.  

What is involved in the treatment?
The initial session begins with an assessment of your health, diet and lifestyle which enables me to create the best treatment plan to achieve the desired results. In the first stage of the procedure needles will be inserted into the back to perform a full body detox prior to working on the facial area. This detoxifies and calms you and brings your body into balance. 

Very fine needles are then applied to the points on the face and neck that target the specific issues. These are removed after 20 minutes; healing creams and serums are administered, and this is followed by a facial massage. 

On rare occasions, some people may experience a small bruise from a needle, and this will be dealt with during the session.

Acupuncture West Bridgford Nottingham

How many treatments will be required?
You will find that significant results are noticeable even after one session but, to achieve and maintain the full benefits of Facial Enhancement Acupuncture, at least 10 weekly sessions are recommended.

Following this course of treatments, I would advise a maintenance programme of six treatments per year, split bi-monthly. 

What are the benefits of Facial Enhancement Acupuncture (FEA)?

  • Improves facial muscle tone and dermal contraction
  • Increases natural collagen production
  • Helps to reduce or eliminate bags under the eyes
  • Helps eliminate swelling and improves metabolism
  • Helps eliminate fine lines on the face and significantly reduces large wrinkles
  • Refreshes and brightens the eyes
  • Helps in a significant way in rehabilitation following facial paralysis or stroke
  • Reduces stress evident in the face
  • Promotes general health and wellness in the body
  • Helps to reduce skin pigmentation
  • Helps to reduce acne 

Michelle is such a professional. After discussing my back problem with me and taking a full history, she made me feel comfortable and confident by explaining a treatment plan. Any nerves I had about the treatment soon disappeared as she explained how acupuncture would alleviate my back pain and symptoms of sciatica. The treatment was effective as I had hoped and started to give relief after the first session. Thoroughly recommended.

Acupuncture West Bridgford Nottingham

Acupuncture Safety

Acupuncture performed by a qualified practitioner is generally very safe.  Some individuals may experience mild, short term side effects such as: slight pain on insertion of the needles, bleeding or bruising where the needle punctures the skin.  

The British Acupuncture Council has a membership of approximately 3,000 members all who are professionally qualified, and it is the largest professional self-regulated body for the practice of traditional acupuncture.  The BAcC is committed to ensuring all patients receive the highest standard of professional care. It has its own Professional code of Conduct and Code of Safe Practice. All members are bound by these.  

In 2001 the British Medical Journal published an article on the study of Acupuncture safety, surveying 34,000 treatments and found that no serious adverse events were reported.  95% confidence with an underlying serious adverse event rate of 0 and 1.1 per 10,000 treatments.

For further information please visit: 

The British Acupuncture Council at

What can acupuncture treat?

Since March 2011, all British Acupuncture Council (BAcC) members are obliged to follow strict advertising guidelines from the Advertising Standards Authority (ASA). This restricts the mention of treatment for specific medical conditions by the use of Acupuncture.

Research Fact sheets have been produced by The British Acupuncture Council in order to provide accurate and unbiased information for a variety of conditions.  They provide summaries of research and how acupuncture may be beneficial.

Fact sheets are available on:

  • Acne

  • Headaches

  • Tinnitus

  • Stress

  • Anxiety

  • Depression

  • Back pain

  • Sciatica

  • Chronic pain

  • Frozen Shoulder

  • Sports Injuries

  • Raynaud’s

  • Rheumatoid Arthritis

  • Colds and Flu

  • Cancer Care

  • Childbirth

  • Female and Male Fertility

  • Infertility (ART)

  • PCOS

  • Premenstrual syndrome (PMT)

  • Endometriosis

  • Dysmenorrhoea (period pain)

  • Menopausal symptoms

  • Nausea and Vomiting

Visit for this information.

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10% student discount with a valid NUS card

Thoroughly recommend Michelle. I've been seeing her for a few months now and find every session beneficial. Michelle is so knowledgeable and explains the how and why of acupuncture which is interesting and reassuring. Each session is tailored to how I'm feeling and what's going on that. No hesitation in recommending YOLO acupuncture.

Appointments and Prices

Five Element Acupuncture:

Your initial visit will be two hours and consist of a personal and medical consultation covering your family history, lifestyle, systems functions (eg. sleep, appetite) and full details of your current complaint/s and any test or investigations that you have had. You will also have the opportunity to discuss in complete confidence any concerns or troubles you may currently be dealing with. 

After your consultation I will carry out a number of short non-invasive physical diagnostic tests including blood pressure, temperature distribution and pulse taking. In most cases, aside from the most complex, this is then followed by your first treatment. Subsequent appointments take up to one hour and include discussion of your progress and your treatment to date.

Treatment Prices:
Initial assessment and treatment (please allow 2 hours): £75.00
Subsequent treatments (please allow for up to 1 hour): £50.00
Facial Enhancement Acupuncture (FEA)

The initial session begins with an assessment of your health, diet and lifestyle.  In the first stage of the procedure needles will be inserted into the back to perform a full body detox prior to working on the facial area. This detoxifies and calms you as an individual and brings your body into balance. 

Very fine needles are then applied to the points on the face and neck that target the specific issues. These are removed after 20 minutes; healing creams and serums are administered, and this is followed by a facial massage. 

Treatment Prices (Price per session)
Initial assessment and treatment (please allow 2 hours 15 minutes): £95.00
Subsequent treatments (please allow for 1 hour 45 minutes): £85.00 
Health Insurance

Many private Health Insurance companies now provide cover for acupuncture treatments by members of the British Acupuncture Council (BAcC).

Cancellation Policy
Cancellations with less than 24 hours notice may incur a charge.  No shows will incur a charge. 

Sadly due to a number of no shows, I have had to add a 25% non-refundable deposit (as per the cancellation policy) which is required on all bookings. This deposit payment will be deducted from the full fee at your scheduled appointment.

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10% student discount with a valid NUS card

Acupuncture West Bridgford Nottingham
Acupuncture Nottingham


West Bridgford Acupuncture & Counselling Clinic
53 Bridgford Road, West Bridgford, Nottingham, NG2 6AU

Tuesday – Friday: 9:30am – 4:30pm

Acupuncture West Bridgford Nottingham
Acupuncture West Bridgford Nottingham
Acupuncture West Bridgford Nottingham


Privacy Policy

This notice is to explain why I collect your personal data, and what I do with it, and to ensure I am working in accordance with the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR); terms from the regulation are indicated in bold.

When you supply your personal details to me, when we communicate by email, and when I take notes in the clinic, this information is stored and processed for four reasons in line with the GDPR requirements: 

  1. I need to collect personal information about your health in order to diagnose and provide you with the best possible treatment. Your requesting treatment and my agreement to provide that care constitutes in law an (unwritten) contract. 
  2. I have a legitimate interest in collecting that information, because without it I couldn’t practice acupuncture effectively and safely. 
  1. I keep records of your contact information because I think that it is important that I can contact you in order to confirm your appointments with me or to update you on matters related to your medical care as appropriate. This again constitutes a legitimate interest, but this time it is your legitimate interest. Please note that my teaching institution, The Acupuncture Academy, is obliged to keep a secure database of all patients treated by their intern practitioners, as they take final responsibility for contacting you in an emergency when I am unable to. This database will list your name, telephone number and date of birth only, and no medical records.
  1. Provided I have your consent (and this only needs to be verbal consent), I may occasionally send you individualised health information by email in the form of articles or advice. I will not send out generalised marketing unless you have explicitly provided me consent to do so.  You may withdraw consent to receive emails at any time – just let me know by any convenient method. Any email or text exchanges we may have regarding your appointments, any aspect of your acupuncture care, or containing any personal data, will be deleted. Your email address is stored in my contacts, and I take all steps to ensure my data is as secure as possible.

I have a legal obligation to retain your records for 8 years after your last appointment (or after you have reached age 25, if this is longer), and they will be securely destroyed within a maximum of 10 years. Your clinical records are stored only on paper, in individual paper files, and in a secure cabinet. 

Your email and phone number, not medical records will be stored on my office laptop.  This is password protected, backed up regularly and the office is always locked and alarmed out of working hours.

I keep an electronic scheduling system to manage all bookings for clients. This includes the name, email and telephone number only. This application is facilitated through SquareSpace who are GDPR compliant. As the data processor and to fulfil my GDPR duties I am responsible for the cleansing of all personal data from this application upon the completion of our working arrangement. 

I use SumUp as a payment system and I offer a bank transfer payment. SumUp will send a receipt to those customers who request this and enter their email or telephone number. For bank transfers payment I also offer an email receipt, if requested. All details of receipts are stored electronically on my password protected computer. These receipts hold details of acupuncture appointments and names of clients. Some record addresses of clients only if requested by the client for the purposes of claiming clinic fees on insurance. These documents are not seen by accountants and are purely for personal financial record keeping.

I am the only person who has access to your records, invoice files and emails. I will never share your information with anyone who does not have a legal right of access without your written consent. Should you request treatment from a different practitioner who may require information from your notes, I will inform you what details have been requested and seek your consent.

I will endeavor to keep your details accurate and up to date, by following up any changes to address and telephone number, health conditions and medications. You have the right to see what personal data of yours I hold, and you can also ask me to correct any factual errors. I am legally required to respond to any request from a client to see their personal data within a timescale of 30 days. However, I would ensure that I responded as soon as I possibly could to any reasonable request for access to personal records. 

I want you to be absolutely confident that I am treating your personal data responsibly, and that I will do everything I can to make sure that the only people who can access that data have a genuine need to do so.  In the case of my practice this would most likely apply in the situation of me needing to make a referral to another health professional. 

Of course, if you feel that I am mishandling your personal data in some way, you have the right to complain. Please first raise your concern with me, as I hope very much I will be able deal with any concerns you might have. However, you can also raise a concern directly with the Information Commissioner’s Office on