How does Chinese medicine speak in the language of Western medicine? Talking to patients about Yin/Yang, Liver Qi stagnation, Blood stasis does not help our patients understand what we are doing as acupuncturists. Acupuncture as a profession needs to think about this to move ourselves forward into the future. At YOLO Acupuncture in West Bridgford, Nottingham we do our best to explain using western language to support our patients on their journey of healing.
How does acupuncture integrate with the NHS. It is clear to everyone that the NHS is sadly struggling and has been for many years. On average a GP has less than 4 minutes per patient. Can a patient really explain their issue, concern, condition in 4 minutes? Here at YOLO Acupuncture (West Bridgford) we listen to our patients, take the time to talk to them. We want to see the NHS work as a true integrated care system and find out how we work best with the NHS. Is it possible to help and support GPs, Consultants and our nurses to think of how alternative therapies, acupuncture (#yolo_acupuncture), massage, counselling, physio to name a few, can help more with rehabilitation. This in the long term will help our NHS and support more patients.